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Does Islam promotes violence

Islam is a way of life which provides guidance for the welfare of an individual and a society. It connects individuals to their creator which becomes a source of inner peace and tranquility for them.

Quran provides people with divine guidance about the reality and purpose of life. Introduces them to their creator and to the struggle of the great messengers sent by Him to guide the humanity. It also introduces them to the concept of accountability. It informs them that one day God, the Just will call every one to account and reward those who have acknowledged him and did good for the welfare of the humanity and punish those who corrupted themselves and cause harm to others.

Islam is all about peace, family values, honesty, forgiveness, dignity, accountability, progress, justice and equality.

Harming people is strictly prohibited in Islam. Human rights are very central in Islamic values. Any violation of human rights is punishable under Islamic law and also in the hereafter a human rights violator will end up in hellfire. Islam condemns self-immolation as interference with God’s will, so suicide attacks are totally unislamic.

Those Muslims who choose to migrate to secular countries have consciously preferred those countries and made those countries their homes. These Muslims who live under pluralistic and secular societies are under a contract to follow the law of the land. All the people of that land are called ummah. Those who violate this contract and violate the law are committing sin and will face punishment on the day of judgement if not here.

According to Islam all human beings are children of Adam and eve, thus they are all brothers and sisters. All the human beings were/are created by God and He loves every one and mandates his followers to love and care for all human beings.

It is interesting to know the values Islam promotes. It’s about protection of life, intellect, faith, property and family life. It’s apparent that these values promote the welfare of human beings and the societies.

Muslims reject all forms of extremism. Prophet Mohammed himself disliked extremism and promoted moderation, middle path and justice in every aspect. Quran says, O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and be concious of Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do. (5,8).


So, it is not right to brush the whole community with the same brush for the actions of few misguided miscreants. Also there is no reason to be afraid of practicing Muslims. The more Muslims are able to teach their folks their religion, the more balanced and benovelent they become. Since usually it’s the internet and not the mosques from where some people become extremist, all those websites promoting violence needs to be shut down.

We pray to God to keep our country and it’s people safe from all sorts of harm.

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